Makara Sankranti, the day of entry (sankranti) of the sun into the constellation of Capricorn (makara), is the only major Indian festival that follows the solar calendar, falling every year on January 14 (occasionally on the 15th). Roughly 1700 years ago Makara Sankranti coincided with the winter solstice, and many in India continue to regard it as the first day of uttarayana, the period lasting until the summer solstice when (in the Northern Hemisphere) the sun appears to move into the north, heralding the start of longer days. Makara Sankranti is a social day, with many in north and west India flying kites and folks in Tamil Nadu cooking pongal (milky rice pudding), where that day is, fittingly, known as Pongal.
At Prayaga (where the Rivers Ganga and Yanuma meet) Makara Sankranti occurs during the Magha Mela bathing festival, which every twelve years (which marks one complete circuit of Jupiter through the zodiac) that Mela is known as the Kumbha Mela. Salutations to the sun on this auspicious day! Om Suryaya Namah!
This might sound like, why reading on health while we are celebrating and enjoying the festive time?
While many of us know and few like me have an urge to spread the message of health & Wellness,
Here’s a small note on things exchanged among woman for haldi kumkum during this cosmic Transition of Sun into Capricorn and believed to be Parva Kal or Auspicious time to offer prayers to Sun God!
Sankranti falls every year on January 14 (occasionally on the 15th). Roughly 1700 years ago Makara Sankranti coincided with the winter solstice, and many in India continue to regard it as the first day of uttarayana, the period lasting until the summer solstice when (in the Northern Hemisphere) the sun appears to move into the north, heralding the start of longer days. Kite festivals mark this festival of Harvest across India, which indirectly helps us absorb Sunlight and build good Vitamin D reserves while sesame and jaggery help us build calcium, protein a d iron reserves! So u don’t need that extra Vitamin D in a health drink!

Betel leaf/Paan ka patta/ Veladala: Betel leaf is an amazing analgesic that offers relief from pain, improve your iron levels,
Eases Constipation, rich in antioxidants, Improves Digestion, Reduces Gastric Pain, Promotes Oral health and Relieves Cough.
Betel nut/Chikni Supari/Adika : It’s a strong alkaline nut, Arecoline in betel nuts is responsible for some of the effects of betel quid chewing, such as alertness, increased stamina, a sense of well-being, and salivation. Chewing the nut stimulates the flow of
saliva to aid digestion and Improves appetite. So, all your bloating problems are kept at bay!
Banana/Kela/Balehannu: A great energy food, mood elevator by improving serotonin levels, Manganese in bananas is good for
your skin, Potassium in bananas is good for your heart health and blood pressure, aids in digestion and help beat gastrointestinal
issues, give you energy minus the fats and prevents constipation!
Turmeric/ Haldi/Arsina: Antifungal anti-bacterial germicidal all in one used in roasted form as Kumkum and dry powdered form as
haldi needless to talk of its beautifying effects! Apart from many scientifically-proven health benefits, such as the potential to
prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer. It’s a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may also help improve
symptoms of depression and arthritis.
Sesame seeds/Til/Ellu: A must have for woman of all age groups alteast 2/3 times a week a few teaspoons. Effective for joint
pains as it’s a rich source of calcium and Iron. Lowers blood sugars, blood pressures, excellent for iron deficiency anaemia, hence
works preventing skin breakouts in dry cold weather and improved hair growth.
Jaggery/Gud/Bella: Improves metabolism and hence helps in weight loss, rich source of iron and calcium and other minerals, so
effective with join problems and anaemia, reduces menstrual cramps, prevents Constipation, reduces bronchial infections great
mood elevator. Replace it with sugar for sure!

Sugarcane: One of the greatest liver detox drink, cures jaundice, sore throat, flu and prevents tooth decay. A great energy and
immune booster.
Extra brownie points are gained by all of us by meeting chit chatting and elevating our moods and pampering thyself in best of our
costumes and accessories! In Marathi we greet and share Til gud sweets/laddu saying “Tilgul ghya goad goad Bola” meaning Bond
like Til and Gud and lets speak sweetly to one another!
Isn’t it a total woman’s health package is Sankranti Haldi Kumkum
Happy Pongal Lohri and Makara Sankranti!
While Previous day of Sankranti is Called as Bhogi, Lohri or name it any harvest Festival this day is a big day to thank the Farmers who feed us!
Regional seasonal and Local food of the festival @Maharashtrian Bhogi Meal!
Bajra Ata Gud mix roti, carrot lime salad, Baigan bhartaa, Methi Chana Turdal, Pongal and yes some chunk of Jaggery and butter to brush itt up clean from the tummy! Bajra is a hard dry millet those constipated pls take plenty of veggies and dals along with it and keep hydrated.
Warm Greetings of the Harvest Celebrations/Festival